Saturday, August 28, 2010


Is your life based upon how others see you? How much bragging rights you have in group of people? Are you always tormented by inferiority complex about little things? Then you can never succeed in life.

Problem with jealousy is - it will always force you to be with people who are inferior to you. Who are perhaps not as gifted as you are or not as ambitious as you are.

Have you ever thought of planning your life in a way where you will have those bragging rights 10 years down the line in your peer group rather than in your friend circle?

Your mentor generally awakens you to see beyond immediate success and failure. That is the most important job of a mentor. Mentor will train you to detach from immediate short term satisfaction to long term persistent euphoria.

Do you have such mentor? No. You should start searching for one.

Example from Mahabharat - Karna's continuous jealousy towards Arjun was his down fall. Because of the jealousy and because of his longing for short term satisfaction he decided to challenge him for a dual during the graduation day contest and one thing lead to another and he found himself in eternal debt of the wrong man.

Do not let this happen to you!

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